A big thanks to the one of the ladies who the asshole scammer tried to dupe for out-Googling me and managing to find the real person behind the photos used by the asshole scammer. His name is Zoran Birtasevic and he's a Serbian, working as a music company manager managing a famous Serbian musician, and also pretty famous himself... which means he has plenty of public photos but that is of course also why probably 99% of Malaysians wouldn't recognize him. Coz' he's only famous in Serbia.
The pics below were some of what the scammer used on his dating profile as well as what he sent to me on Whatsapp. Click on them to see the same photos used by the actual owner of the photos on his Facebook fan page.
Apparently he's also in a relationship. So there goes my miniscule hope that the real guy is as single, willing to hop on a flight to meet me and we end up getting together. Hahaha. I'm kidding, of course. Mostly.
As an ironic side note, while I was looking Zoran up on this site called Pixgram, a banner ad for flights to Miri popped up.
Now that's NOT funny, internet!
I'm an educated, well paid working woman based in KL. I created this page to share my experience being conned by a highly sophisticated online romance scammer, who used other local actors, background sound effects and many other tricks to make his scam convincing. I have now identified two suspects involved in the scam, Liezl Dela Pena (a Phillipino woman) and Michael Apopo (an African man, possibly using a fake name). Please share and help me find them and my scammers!!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
My face off with a suspected African Scammer (P.S.: A REWARD IS UP FOR GRABS!)
Ok, quick intro. If you're visiting for the first time, please read the story of how I was scammed by an asshole romance scammer going by the name of Derry Johnstone here, followed by how I managed to track down the owner of the bank account used in the scam, Abdan bin Munir here, otherwise you're gonna be rather lost on what's happening in this post, which is more interesting than the other posts combined, which were both pretty fascinating as it is. This post is the story of how I managed to locate and CONFRONT FACE TO FACE a African man in Cheras who I am pretty damn sure, as in 99.9999% sure, is involved with the asshole who scammed me.
I'm also going to use some profanity and insults in this post. Please excuse my language, but it's not that inappropriate, given the circumstances.
But first, I need to do a bit of background story on how I got to finding him. So this story in 2 parts:
1) An update on Abdan bin Munir, who I now believe his story of being duped couriering his ATM card to a skanky looking Phillipino woman on Facebook is true, as I attempted to contact this woman named Liezl Dela Pena, and instead of being horrified that someone tried to use her photos in a scam, she blocked me and her number is no longer active. Which pretty much means she's involved in the scam and trying to hide. There are still parts of Abdan's story that still lead to me believe he's a lying asshole, if not scam related then he's a lying asshole to his wife and family for fooling around with skanky Phillipino women online. So I'm not quite done making him famous yet.
3) My visit to this Chinese Coffee Shop at Cheras (where Abdan couriered his ATM card to) which led me to my encounter to my African Scammer Suspect. Trust me, you are going to laugh your head off and the extent of stupid this guy was babbling in my conversations with him, which changed back and forth from trying to convince me he was staring at me for 10-15 minutes because he was smittened by me, to staring at me because he knew I was investigating him. He couldn't seem to make up his mind which one it was. Lol.
As I mentioned before, after frequent questioning from me, Abdan lodged a police report to make a statement that he had been duped into giving his ATM card to a woman he met online. As a result of this, police are now investigating HIM and will possibly charge him for misuse of his account. Which makes me happy, and I no longer need assistance to find him as the police will now deal with him.
Now why I do I think his story about being duped is probably true? Well, firstly the second contact number he used to contact me on Whatsapp which I thought was a fake number being used by another scammer is actually still active and I confirmed it is actually being used by him when I called it on another line pretending to be someone else looking for his son, and he knew who I was talking about....soooo that part of the story seems to check out. Then I decided to check out further on the woman he told me that he sent his ATM card to. In my earlier post, I blocked out her eyes and details because I thought he or the scammer was using some random woman's photos from Facebook to bullshit me. But since she decided to hide when I attempted to contact her, she is also now a suspect and therefore I'm going to make her famous too.
And below is the actual photo of the courier slip which Abdan claimed to have used to mail his ATM card to Liezl. The addres to Batu Sembilan Restaurant at Taman Orkid, Cheras.
As usual, I was not quite satisfied with just that and so on
the same day, I decided to message her 010 number on Whatsapp and told her that I
suspected her photos had been used by Abdan and I believed she was innocent. These are the screenshots of what I sent her.
And after my last message, that was when she immediately blocked me (as can be seen in the screenshots above where her profile photo and last online time cannot be seen) and her number became inactive until now. Not a wise move, as I now know that she is involved, and that means the bitch hunt is on.
So, if ANYONE has seen and know the whereabouts of Liezl Dela Pena, suspected to be based in Cheras but may have relocated, please email me! To spice it up, I'm offering a REWARD of RM200 to whoever has info that will lead to her being found and arrested by the police (don't expect anything if you give me some nonsense info that leads me on fruitless wild goose chase, ok?).
AND if that info leads to the subsequent arrest of the ACTUAL SCAMMERS, that prize money will go up to...RM500! Woot woot!
How can you be sure I will pay you? Well, I was kind enough to dump thousands of my money into someone's account coz' I thought I was helping the asshole named Derry out of a dire situation, so you can rest assured that I will stick to my word and reward anyone who helps me. ;)
This is what the bitch looks like and she has some very distinctive tattoos on her arms and legs, including a tatt of her own sirname coz' this bitch obviously loves herself as much as she loves money.
So back to Abdan for a bit and why I still think he deserves shame.
FIRSTLY, because he knew from his bank statement that I did bank in money into his account and all my evidence was posted here to prove my story. He and his children 'claimed' that he is a good Muslim guy just trying to help people, but instead of being helpful to me as a scam victim where his bank account was used, and provide as much info as possible to nab them, he initially lied that he lost his ATM card, and only revealed the truth after much questioning from me. And then he ceased contact with me and made his children stop contacting me as well, making his kids privy to their dad's asshole behaviour in their unwillingness to help me find the real scammers.
SECONDLY, this Liezl bitch is so obviously Phillipino, I have no idea why he tried to pass her off as a Japanese initially, or why he told the police she was a Malay. More lies.
THIRDLY, he delayed making his police report for 3 days, which is strange if his story was true that he had 'just' realized his account was being misused after I contacted him. Anyone would have informed the police immediately if they realized their bank account was being compromised. Why did he wait so long?
LASTLY, he claimed that he contacted Liezl to ask if she knew Derry Johnstone. If it were true that she had scammed him, any attempt he would have made to her should have also made her go into hiding and stop using her contact numbers. So then why was her 010 number still active until I decided to contact her? It either means he did not bother to contact her, or perhaps he is actually involved in the scam.
In any case, even if he isn't part of the scam, what the heck is a 56-year old married man with 3 kids doing chatting with a skanky Phillipino woman on Facebook and giving her his ATM card?
So Mr. Abdan, you're either famous as a scammer's accomplice or as a dirty old man playing around with skanky woman online behind your family's back. Such an embarassment to your wife Zanuriah Muhamed Sah, and your kids, Hanafiah Abdan, Nurul Aien and Aida Nuruliman, whose photos I had previously posted at the end of this post. Should have given me given me the evidence like I asked and save yourself and your family some shame, dude. Offer's off the table now. Toodles!
Now comes the part you've all been waiting for!
The day after Ms. Liezl the bitch blocked me, I decided to investigate further on the address on the courier slip, so I drove to Batu Sembilan Restaurant at Taman Orkid, Cheras, which is a Chinese coffee shop.
I was hoping to find the woman working there or some people living around there who had seen her or knew where she lived. When I arrived, I walked around the shop and asked around some people working at the shop as well as some people staying at the flat above the resturant if anyone knew her, but I got no leads.
This whole time I was wearing sunglasses to reduce my chances of being recognized. It didn't really work though, because I was recognized by someone I did not expect.
As soon as I arrived, I noticed an African man across the road from the shop doing something at the bushes. I also noticed that he had noticed me. After I walked around the shop, I stood outside the staircase next to the shop leading up to the flats, pretending to talk to someone on my phone and waiting for someone. The whole time this guy was continuously staring at me and then he starting talking on his phone for a long time. I continued to observe him behind my subglasses and pretending to talk on my phone.
5 minutes later, I move to sit at one of the tables at the restaurant where I could see him where he was standing at the bushes. Still wearing my shades, I continued to pretend talking on the phone on loudspeaker, but I was secretly taking photos of him.
Let's play spot the African. Can you see him in the pic below?
Didn't think so. Here's a little better pic of that little black face staring right at me.
And here's an even closer up pic of the fella hiding behind the Myvi on his phone but still staring at me!
And another one of him looking away but still on the phone.
After a while, he moved away from the bushes to where I was at just 5 minutes before, in front of the staircase next to the restaurant. And he continued to stare at me and talk on his phone, looking increasingly nervous.
Since I couldn't observe him easily, I decided to pretend to get off my phone and then moved further inside the restaurant, again to a table where I could see him directly. I ordered a drink and then took out my laptop which I had brought with me (in case I needed to kill time during my stakeout) and pretending to be on it. But I was actually using my camera to very discreetly take photos of the bugger and using my laptop to hide my camera as much as possible.
Sorry, Chinese uncle, that you be in my photos. You look very handsome today.
A closer up of the black guy, STILL staring at me and on the phone.
And there he is staring at me still.
So obviously it struck me as odd that from the second I got out of my car, this guy started monitoring me like a hawk for about 10 to 15 minutes, which probably means he was involved in the scam on me and had recognized me from my online photos.
After some time, the guy moved around to the back of the restaurant where there were other stalls, and where I couldn't see him. This made me uncomfortable, so I quickly finished my drink, and got up, stood back at the staircase and waited to see if he would come back as I assumed he lived there.
He didn't come back. So I decided to look for him and confront him. Which wasn't too hard coz' he was simply sitting at the stalls behind the restaurant.
And this is when I took my first video of my confrontation with him. Please allote 7 minutes for your viewing pleasure:
In case you don't like videos or have a crappy connection, here's a quick rundown of what happened with some of my favorite highlights from the video.
I asked him if he stayed around there and if he knew Liezl Dela Pena. He denied knowing her (not unexpected). He noticed I was carrying a camera and recording him, which made him nervous and he asked what I'm investigating, but he continued talking to me.
Just a few seconds after that, I asked him why he was staring at me. He did not deny it but instead said that he was staring at me because he LIKED me! Awwww so sweeeeet. *puke*
Of course I didn't believe it and directly asked if he was involved in the online scam that got me. He denied it and said he's a student and was just collecting some leaves to cook. I then asked why he wasn't going home, and he...made up some crappy excuse that he needed to get something. Apparently sitting around on a chair helps him to achieve that objective. Lol.
At one point, a Nigerian lady comes along and starts setting up the stall. I initially thought she was familiar with this guy, but I spoke to this lady later on, and she did not know this African man but only saw him around and she seemed friendly as well as familiar with the people there. So I continued my conversation with this guy.
I then asked his name and he said it was Michael Apopo, or something like that. He also said he is Nigerian. He was looking very nervous, and I questioned him further on where he was staying and what he was studying here. He claimed to be studying Business Administration somewhere in Cheras, BUT when I asked which university or college he was studying at, he couldn't answer me, even after asking him the same thing several times.
Then he said that he knows I'm investigating him and asked why, to which I said I was just there having a drink and that he was the one staring at ME the whole time. It was funny, as from the time I arrived at the place, I did not doing anything to show that I was 'investigating' him as he claims coz' he could not tell that I was looking at him since I was wearing sunglasses the whole time, and I was pretending to be standing around on the phone and drinking in the restaurant. Suspicious much!
I asked him he 'knew' I was 'investigating' him, and his answer showed that he was clearly observing my every move.
I then asked him to show me his ID, which he claimed he didn't bring out. I bugged him to show it, and he said he would go home and get it and show it to me, asking me to stay there and wait for him, which I refused and said I would follow him (he never did show me his ID). He then went behind the restaurant behind the restaurant which made me stop following coz' I had no idea what would be waiting for me behind those bushes.
Hence, end of first video.
After that was when I spoke to the Nigerian lady as well as another Indian man who was her friend. I asked them about the African man and I told them I was investigating because I was scammed. The man helped me and told me that behind the restaurant was a another Chinese coffee shop where Michael Whatshisname and his buddies usually hang out, and he led me by car to the area where sure enough, there were a whole bunch of African guys hanging out at the coffee shop named 'Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Lim' (Lim Food and Drinks Shop), including Michael Whatshisface. And they all saw me driving by in my car.
I parked a bit further up the shop and saw them coming out. His friends got into a black Honda, license plate number WTQ4533, and they drove off past me. He stayed behind and was alone.
Then he came up to my car, and I wound down my window juuuust enough to speak to him. Initially he asked me to wind it down further and of course, I refused and started recording my next video, ready of course to gun my accelerator at any time if the situation got too dangerous.
My camera has a bit of a problem with occasional self-vibrating, so please ignore the vibrations at the start of the video, which will go off soon.
The whole time in this video, he was constantly looking around nervously, expecting to see some people jump out and nab him. And he even said he knew I had some men around waiting.
Like why so worried if you're just an innocent student, bro? Do I look like I'm from the FBI? Lol.
I told him I wanted answers to who scammed me and he asked me what I knew about the scammer and if he was black and if I knew for sure he was staying there. He then asked for my number several times, which I of course refused to give. I asked for his number instead, and he refused as well. saying that he didn't trust me.
Lack of trust goes both ways, bozo!
I continued asking for his ID, which he continued to not want to show and just kept asking why I wanted to see his ID. Then he started accusing me of being racist against blacks which is typical of Malaysians. I just insisted I was trying to find out who conned me. He went on that not all blacks are like that, and I said yeah, but these types of romance scams are typical of Nigerian scammers.
He then insisted he wasn't bad and that he had nothing to do with me, although I never specifically said that I thought he was my scammer (and I'm pretty sure he isn't coz' the guy who scammed sounds different and is way smarter than this dude). I asked him again why he was staring at me and he insisted he knew I was tracking him.
Right after saying that he 'knew' I'm tracking him, he THEN decided to tell me the 'truth'....
...which was that he liked me from the moment I got out of the car...
... And that he felt a COMMON ATTRACTION between us!
At this juncture, please excuse me while I take a moment.
Seriously, how many hours does this idiot spend in women-scamming school that he would think telling a woman he's attracted to her will automatically make everything fine and dandy and she'll fall completely for him? Good grief.
So anyway, I was so flabbergasted at what he just said and pointed out that he was looking at me nervously for 10 minutes while talking on his phone. His next statement was even more hilarious in that he said he was just trying to CALL me to 'win my hand'.
So I continued to insist to ask for his ID but refused and instead he continued mumbling some stuff about how not all Africans are bad, and that he wasn't scared of anything. I then questioned why he couldn't tell me which college he was studying at, and he still refused to answer me, asking how that was my problem.
In the end, he claimed to be going to get his ID to show me, but never did. And I didn't hang around long as I knew his friends were around. Sure enough, soon after some of his bigger, burlier Nigerian buddies walked after my car as I was driving off and gesturing me to talk to them. I definitely didn't stick around! It was definitely enough confrontation for one day.
I went to Cheras not knowing what I would find and not even having much of a plan, and went away having met an African man suspected to be involved in my scam. PLUS seeing that there were so many African fellas there, I would say Taman Orkid, Cheras seems likely to be the hot spot for where these asshole scammers operate.
SO that aside, same reward offer is up for grabs to YOU, the PUBLIC! If anyone can provide me info on Michael Apopo Whatshisface, especially WHERE HE LIVES, which leads to his arrest and questioning by the police, you get RM200! And if that leads to the ARREST of the actual asshole(s) who scammed me, you get RM500!
And if by miracle of God, that info allows me to pressure whoever along the way to return all my money! You'll get RM1000! Though I don't count on that happening, but hey, I can still hope againat hope, right?
If you've ever been cheated by someone, if you've ever had your heart broken by someone who fooled you, and if you ever felt like there's nothing you could do about it, or if you're someone who wants to do something right... help me fight this fight... share it out and help me find these assholes, Liezl Dela Pena, Michael Apopo Ugly Face and the rest of his asshole scamming friends before they scam more innocent women!
And to my scammers and all you asshole online scammers which are typical of Nigerians, I hear you guys are famous for having big dicks. Which is probably to make up for the fact that you have NO BALLS, hiding behind the internet instead of earning money working real jobs, you know, like REAL MEN WITH BALLS. I guess I can't blame you, your mommas, your mamas must shitted you out so hard when you were born, you had to spend your whole life behaving like a shithead who doesn't know how to work. Ooooh, burn!
Insults only apply to asshole scammers. Not directed to good, honest Africans. God bless you :)
Update 27 May 2015: The bitch named Liezl got wind of my attempt to find her (probably something to do with the fact that I added almost all her FB friends so they know their friend is a scamming bitch). Now she has changed her profile photos and name to Angel Serrano. Which again makes me puke because she's anything BUT an angel!
Funny thing about Facebook is once you've changed your name, you can't change it for the next 2 months. So now you can look up the she-devil and not worry about her name changing again anytime soon. :)
I'm also going to use some profanity and insults in this post. Please excuse my language, but it's not that inappropriate, given the circumstances.
But first, I need to do a bit of background story on how I got to finding him. So this story in 2 parts:
1) An update on Abdan bin Munir, who I now believe his story of being duped couriering his ATM card to a skanky looking Phillipino woman on Facebook is true, as I attempted to contact this woman named Liezl Dela Pena, and instead of being horrified that someone tried to use her photos in a scam, she blocked me and her number is no longer active. Which pretty much means she's involved in the scam and trying to hide. There are still parts of Abdan's story that still lead to me believe he's a lying asshole, if not scam related then he's a lying asshole to his wife and family for fooling around with skanky Phillipino women online. So I'm not quite done making him famous yet.
3) My visit to this Chinese Coffee Shop at Cheras (where Abdan couriered his ATM card to) which led me to my encounter to my African Scammer Suspect. Trust me, you are going to laugh your head off and the extent of stupid this guy was babbling in my conversations with him, which changed back and forth from trying to convince me he was staring at me for 10-15 minutes because he was smittened by me, to staring at me because he knew I was investigating him. He couldn't seem to make up his mind which one it was. Lol.
As I mentioned before, after frequent questioning from me, Abdan lodged a police report to make a statement that he had been duped into giving his ATM card to a woman he met online. As a result of this, police are now investigating HIM and will possibly charge him for misuse of his account. Which makes me happy, and I no longer need assistance to find him as the police will now deal with him.
Now why I do I think his story about being duped is probably true? Well, firstly the second contact number he used to contact me on Whatsapp which I thought was a fake number being used by another scammer is actually still active and I confirmed it is actually being used by him when I called it on another line pretending to be someone else looking for his son, and he knew who I was talking about....soooo that part of the story seems to check out. Then I decided to check out further on the woman he told me that he sent his ATM card to. In my earlier post, I blocked out her eyes and details because I thought he or the scammer was using some random woman's photos from Facebook to bullshit me. But since she decided to hide when I attempted to contact her, she is also now a suspect and therefore I'm going to make her famous too.
These are the unblurred screenshots of the info Abdan sent to
me on this woman, whose name is Liezl Dela Pena and two contact numbers of hers
were provided.
And below is the actual photo of the courier slip which Abdan claimed to have used to mail his ATM card to Liezl. The addres to Batu Sembilan Restaurant at Taman Orkid, Cheras.
Feel free to look her up on Facebook coz’ as I mentioned
before, this woman has absolutely no sense of privacy and has TONNES of public
photos, most of which are somewhat but not overly skanky, on her Facebook
profile. Anyhow, I
had saved both her contact numbers and was monitoring both numbers on Whatsapp
for sometime as the app allows you to see when users are active. The 011 number
was inactive since 18 May 2015 and the profile photo uploaded was not of her
face. The 010 number DID have a profile photo of the same woman and the number
was still actively being used up until the time I contacted her, which was on
Saturday, 23 May 2015.
The first contact I made, I called her directly. The woman
who answered indeed had a Phillipino accent and confirmed her name was Liezl
Dela Pena. I then introduced myself and I asked her if she knew someone named
Abdan bin Munir who claimed to have given her an ATM card. She denied that she
knew him or that she received anything, and did not sound like she was trying
to cover up. So I said ok, and hung up. I also recorded that conversation, just
because I can.
And after my last message, that was when she immediately blocked me (as can be seen in the screenshots above where her profile photo and last online time cannot be seen) and her number became inactive until now. Not a wise move, as I now know that she is involved, and that means the bitch hunt is on.
So, if ANYONE has seen and know the whereabouts of Liezl Dela Pena, suspected to be based in Cheras but may have relocated, please email me! To spice it up, I'm offering a REWARD of RM200 to whoever has info that will lead to her being found and arrested by the police (don't expect anything if you give me some nonsense info that leads me on fruitless wild goose chase, ok?).
AND if that info leads to the subsequent arrest of the ACTUAL SCAMMERS, that prize money will go up to...RM500! Woot woot!
How can you be sure I will pay you? Well, I was kind enough to dump thousands of my money into someone's account coz' I thought I was helping the asshole named Derry out of a dire situation, so you can rest assured that I will stick to my word and reward anyone who helps me. ;)
This is what the bitch looks like and she has some very distinctive tattoos on her arms and legs, including a tatt of her own sirname coz' this bitch obviously loves herself as much as she loves money.
So back to Abdan for a bit and why I still think he deserves shame.
FIRSTLY, because he knew from his bank statement that I did bank in money into his account and all my evidence was posted here to prove my story. He and his children 'claimed' that he is a good Muslim guy just trying to help people, but instead of being helpful to me as a scam victim where his bank account was used, and provide as much info as possible to nab them, he initially lied that he lost his ATM card, and only revealed the truth after much questioning from me. And then he ceased contact with me and made his children stop contacting me as well, making his kids privy to their dad's asshole behaviour in their unwillingness to help me find the real scammers.
SECONDLY, this Liezl bitch is so obviously Phillipino, I have no idea why he tried to pass her off as a Japanese initially, or why he told the police she was a Malay. More lies.
THIRDLY, he delayed making his police report for 3 days, which is strange if his story was true that he had 'just' realized his account was being misused after I contacted him. Anyone would have informed the police immediately if they realized their bank account was being compromised. Why did he wait so long?
LASTLY, he claimed that he contacted Liezl to ask if she knew Derry Johnstone. If it were true that she had scammed him, any attempt he would have made to her should have also made her go into hiding and stop using her contact numbers. So then why was her 010 number still active until I decided to contact her? It either means he did not bother to contact her, or perhaps he is actually involved in the scam.
In any case, even if he isn't part of the scam, what the heck is a 56-year old married man with 3 kids doing chatting with a skanky Phillipino woman on Facebook and giving her his ATM card?
So Mr. Abdan, you're either famous as a scammer's accomplice or as a dirty old man playing around with skanky woman online behind your family's back. Such an embarassment to your wife Zanuriah Muhamed Sah, and your kids, Hanafiah Abdan, Nurul Aien and Aida Nuruliman, whose photos I had previously posted at the end of this post. Should have given me given me the evidence like I asked and save yourself and your family some shame, dude. Offer's off the table now. Toodles!
Now comes the part you've all been waiting for!
The day after Ms. Liezl the bitch blocked me, I decided to investigate further on the address on the courier slip, so I drove to Batu Sembilan Restaurant at Taman Orkid, Cheras, which is a Chinese coffee shop.
I was hoping to find the woman working there or some people living around there who had seen her or knew where she lived. When I arrived, I walked around the shop and asked around some people working at the shop as well as some people staying at the flat above the resturant if anyone knew her, but I got no leads.
This whole time I was wearing sunglasses to reduce my chances of being recognized. It didn't really work though, because I was recognized by someone I did not expect.
As soon as I arrived, I noticed an African man across the road from the shop doing something at the bushes. I also noticed that he had noticed me. After I walked around the shop, I stood outside the staircase next to the shop leading up to the flats, pretending to talk to someone on my phone and waiting for someone. The whole time this guy was continuously staring at me and then he starting talking on his phone for a long time. I continued to observe him behind my subglasses and pretending to talk on my phone.
5 minutes later, I move to sit at one of the tables at the restaurant where I could see him where he was standing at the bushes. Still wearing my shades, I continued to pretend talking on the phone on loudspeaker, but I was secretly taking photos of him.
Let's play spot the African. Can you see him in the pic below?
Didn't think so. Here's a little better pic of that little black face staring right at me.
And here's an even closer up pic of the fella hiding behind the Myvi on his phone but still staring at me!
And another one of him looking away but still on the phone.
After a while, he moved away from the bushes to where I was at just 5 minutes before, in front of the staircase next to the restaurant. And he continued to stare at me and talk on his phone, looking increasingly nervous.
Since I couldn't observe him easily, I decided to pretend to get off my phone and then moved further inside the restaurant, again to a table where I could see him directly. I ordered a drink and then took out my laptop which I had brought with me (in case I needed to kill time during my stakeout) and pretending to be on it. But I was actually using my camera to very discreetly take photos of the bugger and using my laptop to hide my camera as much as possible.
Sorry, Chinese uncle, that you be in my photos. You look very handsome today.
A closer up of the black guy, STILL staring at me and on the phone.
And there he is staring at me still.
So obviously it struck me as odd that from the second I got out of my car, this guy started monitoring me like a hawk for about 10 to 15 minutes, which probably means he was involved in the scam on me and had recognized me from my online photos.
After some time, the guy moved around to the back of the restaurant where there were other stalls, and where I couldn't see him. This made me uncomfortable, so I quickly finished my drink, and got up, stood back at the staircase and waited to see if he would come back as I assumed he lived there.
He didn't come back. So I decided to look for him and confront him. Which wasn't too hard coz' he was simply sitting at the stalls behind the restaurant.
And this is when I took my first video of my confrontation with him. Please allote 7 minutes for your viewing pleasure:
I asked him if he stayed around there and if he knew Liezl Dela Pena. He denied knowing her (not unexpected). He noticed I was carrying a camera and recording him, which made him nervous and he asked what I'm investigating, but he continued talking to me.
Just a few seconds after that, I asked him why he was staring at me. He did not deny it but instead said that he was staring at me because he LIKED me! Awwww so sweeeeet. *puke*
Of course I didn't believe it and directly asked if he was involved in the online scam that got me. He denied it and said he's a student and was just collecting some leaves to cook. I then asked why he wasn't going home, and he...made up some crappy excuse that he needed to get something. Apparently sitting around on a chair helps him to achieve that objective. Lol.
At one point, a Nigerian lady comes along and starts setting up the stall. I initially thought she was familiar with this guy, but I spoke to this lady later on, and she did not know this African man but only saw him around and she seemed friendly as well as familiar with the people there. So I continued my conversation with this guy.
I then asked his name and he said it was Michael Apopo, or something like that. He also said he is Nigerian. He was looking very nervous, and I questioned him further on where he was staying and what he was studying here. He claimed to be studying Business Administration somewhere in Cheras, BUT when I asked which university or college he was studying at, he couldn't answer me, even after asking him the same thing several times.
Then he said that he knows I'm investigating him and asked why, to which I said I was just there having a drink and that he was the one staring at ME the whole time. It was funny, as from the time I arrived at the place, I did not doing anything to show that I was 'investigating' him as he claims coz' he could not tell that I was looking at him since I was wearing sunglasses the whole time, and I was pretending to be standing around on the phone and drinking in the restaurant. Suspicious much!
I asked him he 'knew' I was 'investigating' him, and his answer showed that he was clearly observing my every move.
I then asked him to show me his ID, which he claimed he didn't bring out. I bugged him to show it, and he said he would go home and get it and show it to me, asking me to stay there and wait for him, which I refused and said I would follow him (he never did show me his ID). He then went behind the restaurant behind the restaurant which made me stop following coz' I had no idea what would be waiting for me behind those bushes.
Hence, end of first video.
After that was when I spoke to the Nigerian lady as well as another Indian man who was her friend. I asked them about the African man and I told them I was investigating because I was scammed. The man helped me and told me that behind the restaurant was a another Chinese coffee shop where Michael Whatshisname and his buddies usually hang out, and he led me by car to the area where sure enough, there were a whole bunch of African guys hanging out at the coffee shop named 'Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Lim' (Lim Food and Drinks Shop), including Michael Whatshisface. And they all saw me driving by in my car.
I parked a bit further up the shop and saw them coming out. His friends got into a black Honda, license plate number WTQ4533, and they drove off past me. He stayed behind and was alone.
Then he came up to my car, and I wound down my window juuuust enough to speak to him. Initially he asked me to wind it down further and of course, I refused and started recording my next video, ready of course to gun my accelerator at any time if the situation got too dangerous.
My camera has a bit of a problem with occasional self-vibrating, so please ignore the vibrations at the start of the video, which will go off soon.
Like why so worried if you're just an innocent student, bro? Do I look like I'm from the FBI? Lol.
I told him I wanted answers to who scammed me and he asked me what I knew about the scammer and if he was black and if I knew for sure he was staying there. He then asked for my number several times, which I of course refused to give. I asked for his number instead, and he refused as well. saying that he didn't trust me.
Lack of trust goes both ways, bozo!
I continued asking for his ID, which he continued to not want to show and just kept asking why I wanted to see his ID. Then he started accusing me of being racist against blacks which is typical of Malaysians. I just insisted I was trying to find out who conned me. He went on that not all blacks are like that, and I said yeah, but these types of romance scams are typical of Nigerian scammers.
He then insisted he wasn't bad and that he had nothing to do with me, although I never specifically said that I thought he was my scammer (and I'm pretty sure he isn't coz' the guy who scammed sounds different and is way smarter than this dude). I asked him again why he was staring at me and he insisted he knew I was tracking him.
Right after saying that he 'knew' I'm tracking him, he THEN decided to tell me the 'truth'....
...which was that he liked me from the moment I got out of the car...
... And that he felt a COMMON ATTRACTION between us!
At this juncture, please excuse me while I take a moment.
Seriously, how many hours does this idiot spend in women-scamming school that he would think telling a woman he's attracted to her will automatically make everything fine and dandy and she'll fall completely for him? Good grief.
So anyway, I was so flabbergasted at what he just said and pointed out that he was looking at me nervously for 10 minutes while talking on his phone. His next statement was even more hilarious in that he said he was just trying to CALL me to 'win my hand'.
Sooo just a few minutes ago he was asking for my number, yet somehow before that he already knew my number? What strange Black Magic is this?? LOL.
So I continued to insist to ask for his ID but refused and instead he continued mumbling some stuff about how not all Africans are bad, and that he wasn't scared of anything. I then questioned why he couldn't tell me which college he was studying at, and he still refused to answer me, asking how that was my problem.
In the end, he claimed to be going to get his ID to show me, but never did. And I didn't hang around long as I knew his friends were around. Sure enough, soon after some of his bigger, burlier Nigerian buddies walked after my car as I was driving off and gesturing me to talk to them. I definitely didn't stick around! It was definitely enough confrontation for one day.
I went to Cheras not knowing what I would find and not even having much of a plan, and went away having met an African man suspected to be involved in my scam. PLUS seeing that there were so many African fellas there, I would say Taman Orkid, Cheras seems likely to be the hot spot for where these asshole scammers operate.
SO that aside, same reward offer is up for grabs to YOU, the PUBLIC! If anyone can provide me info on Michael Apopo Whatshisface, especially WHERE HE LIVES, which leads to his arrest and questioning by the police, you get RM200! And if that leads to the ARREST of the actual asshole(s) who scammed me, you get RM500!
And if by miracle of God, that info allows me to pressure whoever along the way to return all my money! You'll get RM1000! Though I don't count on that happening, but hey, I can still hope againat hope, right?
If you've ever been cheated by someone, if you've ever had your heart broken by someone who fooled you, and if you ever felt like there's nothing you could do about it, or if you're someone who wants to do something right... help me fight this fight... share it out and help me find these assholes, Liezl Dela Pena, Michael Apopo Ugly Face and the rest of his asshole scamming friends before they scam more innocent women!
And to my scammers and all you asshole online scammers which are typical of Nigerians, I hear you guys are famous for having big dicks. Which is probably to make up for the fact that you have NO BALLS, hiding behind the internet instead of earning money working real jobs, you know, like REAL MEN WITH BALLS. I guess I can't blame you, your mommas, your mamas must shitted you out so hard when you were born, you had to spend your whole life behaving like a shithead who doesn't know how to work. Ooooh, burn!
Insults only apply to asshole scammers. Not directed to good, honest Africans. God bless you :)
Update 27 May 2015: The bitch named Liezl got wind of my attempt to find her (probably something to do with the fact that I added almost all her FB friends so they know their friend is a scamming bitch). Now she has changed her profile photos and name to Angel Serrano. Which again makes me puke because she's anything BUT an angel!
Funny thing about Facebook is once you've changed your name, you can't change it for the next 2 months. So now you can look up the she-devil and not worry about her name changing again anytime soon. :)
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Mendedahkan Suspek Sejenayah Penipu...ABDAN BIN MUNIR
Untuk pembaca Melayu saya, ini adalah ringkasan dan terjemahan Bahasa Melayu blog post saya sebelum ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang menerangkan dengan terperinci kisah bagaimana pada 1 May 2015, saya telah ditipu wang saya oleh seorang lelaki yang saya menemui melalui laman web dan menggunakan nama palsu Derry Johnstone. Post ini juga menceritakan bagaimana dalam 2 minggu selepas itu, saya berjaya menggunakan Facebook untuk mendapat maklumat dan nombor telefon dari anak suspek sejenayah penipu ini yang bernama Abdan bin Munir yang menduduk di Kuantan, Pahang dan dipercayai membenarkan si penipu ini menggunakan akaun Maybank dia untuk penipuan ini.
Post saya akan menunjukkan rekod perbualan saya dengan si penipu sama dengan Abdan, sama dengan seorang penipu lagi yang berpura-pura sebagai Abdan untuk cuba menyakinkan saya bahawa dia tidak terlibat dalam penipuan saya oleh Derry, tetapi dia gagal membuktikan cerita dia. Sekarang, sama seperti si penipu dengan rakan penipunya, Abdan bin Munir sama dengan anaknya tidak dapat dihubungi lagi selepas banyak permintaan saya untuk memberi bukti segala cerita dia. Bagi saya, ini membuktikan tanpa keraguan bahawa Abdan bin Munir merupakan sejenayah penipu ini yang mempergunakan dan menipu duit daripada wanita yang ikhlas seperti saya. Saya juga dapat bertemu dengan 2 wanita lagi yang mengesahkan bahawa penipu Derry ini juga telah cuba menipu mereka dengan cara yang sama. Kisah dua wanita ini saya sudah ceritakan di sini. Mangsanya tiga orang kita termasuk wanita Cina, India dan Melayu yang menunjukkan penipu tidak kisah latar belakang wanita yang ditipunya asalkan dia dapat duit.
Tolong baca dan sebarkan supaya Abdan bin Munir sama dengan semua rakan penipu celaka dia mendapat padahnya dan untuk mengelakkan orang lain seperti saya yang ikhlas dan bersimpati terhadap kesusahan orang lain daripada tertipu melalui cara yang sama!
Penipuan oleh 'Derry Johnstone' (cerita penuhnya di sini dalam Bahasa Inggeris)
Pada awal April 2015, saya menemui lelaki yang menggunakan nama 'Derry Johnstone' dari laman web okcupid.com yang menggunakan foto lelaki kacak ini.
Dia menceritakan kepada saya bahawa dia ada kacukan Scotland-Serbia dan telah bekerja di KL untuk 4 bulan yang lalu, membeli dan menjual barang-barang antik dari Malaysia ke Amerika Syarikat dan UK dan berhasrat untuk mendaftarkan sebuah syarikat di Malaysia. Saya memberi nombor telefon saya kepada dia dan sejak itu, kita mula berbual banyak kali, tapi semua melalui telefon dana Whatsapp sahaja. Suaranya memang seperti orang putih dan bukan orang Afrika yang memang terkenal dengan penipuan romantik. Selama satu bulan yang kita berbual, perbualannya seperti biasa seperti apa kerja yang dia lakukan pada hari itu, apa harapan dia, etc. Dia juga menceritakan tentang bagaimana susahnya untuk dia mencari kawan dan juga teman wanita yang sesuai untuk dia, dan dia bertanya-tanya kalau saya memang tidak ada teman lelaki kerana takut dikecewakan lagi. Ini semua telah menambahkan perasaan saya terhadapnya. Walaupun saya telah berpengalaman berinteraksi dengan orang lain melalui laman web yang cuba menipu saya tetapi gagal, dalam kes ini, saya tidak mengesyaki apa-apa sebab lakonannnya memang sangat menyakinkan.
Pada 15 April, dia menceritakan bahawa dia pergi ke Miri, Sarawak untuk membeli barang barang antik untuk dijual ke UK. Selama itu, kita masih berbual melalui Whatsapp dan telefon, dan dia hantar gambar barang antik yang kononnnya dibeli olehnya.
Pada satu hari, dia mengadu bahawa dia bermasalah untuk membeli satu pasu antik bernilai RM12,000 ada kesusahan tawar-menawar untuk harganya sebab pemilik kedainya tidak faham Bahasa Inggeris. Saya pun bercadang untuk menolong dia dengan bercakap dengan wanita itu melalui telepon. Derry bagi saya berbual dengan seorang wanita yang pada waktu itu saya percaya adalah pemilik kedai dan saya 'berjaya' untuk mengurangkan harga pasu itu untuk Derry, tapi sekarang saya tahu adalah seorang penolong penipu ini. Tetapi pada waktu itu, perbualan ini menambahkan keyakinnan saya bahawa ini memang pekerjaan sebenar dia.
Pada hari 1 May 2015, dia kononnya sudah tinggal di Miri lebih satu minggu daripada apa yang dia rencanakan dan tidak mempunyai pakaian yang cukup. Pada hari itu, kononnnya dia dalam proses menghantar barang yang dibelinya ke UK melalui kapal laut dan akan pulang dari Miri pada hari yang sama. Pada waktu itu, saya memang ingin untuk berjumpa dengannya untuk kali pertama. Tetapi masalah berlaku di perusahaan penghantaran itu di mana dia tidak mempunyai wang yang cukup untuk membuat penghantarannya, di mana jumlah penghantarannya RM36,000, tetapi dia hanya mempunyai wang secukup RM10,000 dan berjanji untuk memberi bakinya bila sudah pulang ke KL, tetapi ini tidak disetujui oleh pemilik perusahaan. Dia juga minta saya berbual dengan wanita bernama Siti Aisyah yang kononnnya merupakan pemilik perusahaan penghantaran itu. Semasa berbual dengannya, saya dengar bunyi telepon di latar belakang yang juga menyakinkan saya bahawa ini memang perusahaan sebenar. Siti berkata dia hanya boleh terima RM6,000 lagi tambah RM10k yang diberi oleh Derry, dan pada waktu itu, Derry minta pertolongan saya kerana takut barang dia akan dikeluarkan dari kapal laut dan dia perlu tinggal lagi di Miri tanpa wang yang mencukupi. Derry memberi saya akaun Maybank no. 156226084446 di bawah nama Abdan bin Munir yang kononnya pemandu perusahaan itu, dan saya pulak tertipu untuk memasukkan beberapa ribu wang tetapi bukan sampai RM6000 yang diminta kerana had pengantaran bank saya. Kononnnya ini diterima oleh Siti.
Namun, masalahnya tidak berhenti di situ. Beberapa minit kemudian, Derry dipanggil dan berkata beliau mempunyai masalah lagi kerana dia bertemu dengan seorang lelaki yang bernama Kaiser yang kononnya rakan pemilik perusahaan itu yang menjadi marah apabila dapat tahu kurang daripada setengah kos pengangkutan itu dibayar oleh Derry. Kaiser kemudian mengambil pasport Derry di bawah alasan dia ingin membuat salinan, tetapi tidak kembali dengannya. Derry menelefon saya semula dan memberitahu saya dia kini telah dipaksa oleh Kaiser untuk membuat bayaran penuh RM36,000 atau pasport dia tidak akan dikembalikan, tetapi dia tidak mempunyai wang yang cukup. Beliau juga memberikan saya nombor Kaiser untuk cuba bercakap dengan dia, yang saya lakukan tetapi dia tidak ingin berunding. Derry pun berkata dia tidak sempat menaiki kapal terbang untuk pulang pada hari itu dan terdesak untuk menjual jam tangannya yang bernilai RM9000 untuk mendapat wang itu. Pada waktu itu, bunyi latar belakang seperti dia dalam truk untuk pulang ke bandar untuk menjual jam tangannya. Oleh kerana Derry seolah-olah dalam situasi begitu teruk, saya tertipu untuk memasukan beberapa ribu wang lagi dalam akaun Abdan bin Munir yang sama.
Ceritanya bersambungan sampai hari seterusnya di mana Derry cuba minta wang lagi tetapi pada waktu itu, saya tidak mempercayainya lagi dan minta bukti apa yang dilakukannya. Ini menyebabkan dia menjadi marah dan cuba membuat saya merasa bersalah, tetapi saya tidak terpengaruh lagi. Dia mendakwa bahawa dia tidak ada pilihan lain dan akan cuba berlawan dengan Kaiser untuk dapat passport dia balik. Pada lebih kurang 7pm, saya meneleponnya dan di latar belakang, saya dengan bunyi dramatik seperti dia memang berlawan dengan orang. Selepas itu telefon terputus dan dia tidak dapat dihubungi lagi sejak hari itu. Nombor telefon Siti Aisyah dan Kaiser juga tidak dapat dihubungi lagi. Akan tetapi, profail Derry in laman web di mana saya jumpa dia masih aktif tetapi dia tidak menjawab mesej saya. Ini menunjukkan bahawa dia masih menggunakannya untuk menipu wanita lain.
Pengesanan Abdan bin Munir melalui Facebook
Selepas membuat laporan polis, saya diberitahu penyiasatannya akan mengambil beberapa bulan. Ini memang terlalu lambat, dalam waktu itu tak tahulah beberapa banyak wanita lain dia akan berjaya menipu, dan dia pun ada banyak masa untuk keluar dari negara. Jadi saya membuat blog ini dan berusaha menyebarkan cerita saya dalam Facebook melalui akaun 'Scamvic KL'.
Selepas satu minggu pada 10 Mei 2015, saya dapat mesej pada seorang lelaki muda bernama Hanafiah Abdan yang merupakan anak kepada Abdan bin Munir. Dia minta saya untuk mengeluarkan info dan nama bapaknya dari blog saya kerana dia ingat infonya salah. Saya kata mungkin nama bapaknya sama dengan pemilik akaun itu, tetapi dia mengesahkan bahawa itu memang akaun Maybank bapaknya, tetapi bapaknya berumur 56 tahun dan tidak tahu tentang hal penipuan ini.
Dia minta rekod penghantaran wang dari saya kepada akaun bapaknya, tetapi saya tak ingin beri sebab saya tahu kalau bapak dia memang pemilik akaun ini, dia boleh lihat sendiri dari penyata bank dia. Saya pula minta bukti bahawa akaun ini memang dipunyai oleh bapaknya, tetapi dia tidak memberi bukti ini.
Pada malam yang sama dia memberitahu bahawa bapak dia baru dapat tahu kad ATMnya telah hilang dan dia akan buat laporan polis pada keesokan harinya (Isnin, 11 Mei).
Pada masa ini, saya agak kecewa. Kalau memang benar bahawa kad ATM bank Abdan telah dicuri dan disalahgunakan oleh orang lain, maka ia akan menjadi sebelah mustahil untuk mencari siapa yang menggunakannya. Tetapi saya fikir, ia masih tidak cukup masuk akal. Pencuri yang mencuri kad akan terpaksa tahu nombor PIN kad itu untuk menggunakannya. Ini bermakna pencuri mungkin orang yang dikenal oleh Abdan dan pencuri ini mengetahui info yang cukup tentang Abdan untuk meneka nombor PIN kadnya dengan betul... atau Abdan memang membenarkan orang lain untuk menggunakan kad ATMnya. Jadi saya terus menyoal dan meminta lebih banyak bukti, terutamanya penyata banknya, ini pun tidak diberi.
Pada waktu ini, saya rasa ada kemungkinan ceritanya benar, tetapi saya perlu melihat buktinya untuk memastikannya. Selepas itu, dia minta nombor telefon saya supaya bapaknya, Abdan boleh menelepon dan menjelaskannya kepada saya. Jadi pada hari berikutnya, saya mendapat panggilan daripada nombor 017-9144083, yang saya tidak menjawab kerana saya bekerja. Nombor ini juga nombor yang sama dalam pengiklanan Abdan bin Munir untuk krim kesihatan perempuan. Jadi saya percaya bahawa ini adalah orang sebenar yang bernama Abdan bin Munir.
Saya pun panggil balik kepada nombor ini, dan Abdan yang memang bersuara seperti lelaki Melayu berumur lebih 50-an kemudian memberitahu saya bahawa dia memang telah kehilangan kad ATMnya, dan bahawa dia tidak menggunakan akaun bank dia untuk masa yang lama dan ada wang sedikit atau tidak ada di dalamnya. Saya bertanya bagaimana orang boleh mempunyai tahu nombor kad pin dan jika dia memberitahu sesiapa. Katanya, dia tidak tahu bagaimana. Dia memohon maaf dan berkata dia telah meminta bank untuk menyekat kad (tetapi tidak menutup akaun), tetapi saya benar-benar tidak puas hati.
Saya bertanya kepada Abdan jika dia boleh e-mel saya satu salinan penyata bank dengan alamat dan beliau maklumat peribadi lain ditutup, supaya saya dapat mengesahkan apa yang dia memberitahu saya. Jika ia adalah benar akaun banknya kosong sebelum saya memasukkan wang saya, ia semua akan ditunjukkan dalam penyata bank itu. Abdan berkata dia akan berbincang dengan anaknya dan terus meletak telefon. Selepas itu, saya mesej Hanafiah di Facebook lagi, untuk meminta perkara yang sama dan menerangkan selanjutnya bahawa saya hanya perlu melihat bukti. Saya menerangkan bahawa selepas saya melihat ini dan berpuas hati bahawa cerita mereka benar, saya akan mengeluarkan nama Abdan bin Munir dari blog saya untuk mengelakkan malu lagi kepada Abdan dan keluarganya. Saya juga menjelaskan bahawa saya tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mengeluarkan duit daripada akaun itu terutamanya kalau memang benar akaun itu kosong. Namun, Hanafiah tidak menjawab saya lagi dalam Facebook sejak itu sampai hari ini.
Saya juga cuba menelepon Abdan sekali lagi pada nomber 017-nya, tetapi tidak mendapat jawapan.
Perbualan aneh dengan 'Abdan bin Munir' melalui Whatsapp
Inilah kisah yang menyakinkan saya bahawa Abdan bin Munir memang bersalah dan terlibat dalam penipuan saya, kerana percubaannya untuk mendapat seorang rakan penipunya untuk cuba tipu saya lag melalui Whatsapp!
Pada hari Selasa Mei 12, 2015), saya mendapat mesej Whatsapp dari nombor berlainan yang menyatakan dia Abdan bin Munir. Dia guna menggunakan gambar Abdan yang kelihatan seperti beberapa gambarnya di Facebook (yang saya jumpa melalui profail FB Hanafiah).
Saya SANGAT pasti bahawa nombor Whatsapp ini telah digunakan oleh orang lain yang berpura-pura sebagai Abdan, kerana nombor telefonnya 017-nya yang sebenar tidak muncul pada Whatsapp, tetapi nombor telefon 011 muncul pada Whatsapp. Jika Abdan memang memiliki kedua-dua nombor ini, adakah ia masuk akal bahawa nombor yang dia gunakan untuk perniagaan dia itu tidak digunakan untuk Whatsapp, tetapi nombor baru ini digunakan untuk Whatsapp?
Inilah screenshot perbualan ini yang lagi tidak masuk akal. Pada mulanya dia minta maaf tidak dapat menjawab panggilan saya sebelum itu kepada nombor 017-nya sebab dia dekat masjid. Ini juga membuktikan kepada saya bahawa Abdan yang sebenar tahu orang penipu ini yang menggunakan nombor 011 ini dan telah mintanya untuk Whatsapp saya dan cuba menyakinkan saya bahawa dia tidak bersalah.
Ambil perhatian dalam gambar di atas, di mana dia ambil 8 minit untuk hantar gambar wanita itu. Kenapa lama sangat untuk cari satu gambar? Sebab ingin cari gambar satu orang yang sesuai dari laman web?
Saya memang mencari wanita ini melalui Facebook dan melihat bahawa dia seorang yang memang seluruh profailnya publik dan penuh dengan 'selfie'. Saya rasa si penipu dapat cari profail perempuan ini dan menggunakan satu gambarnya dan memberitahu saya dia wanita Jepun sebab wajahnya seperti orang Jepun. Tetapi selepas desakan dari saya, dia memberi namanya dan bertukar cerita bahawa wanita ini kacokan Jepon dan Filipina kerana namanya di Facebook adalah nama Filipina. Slip kurier itu juga mudah untuk ditulis dan tidak membuktikan bahawa memang ada benda yang dihantar kepada wanita ini, dan apa bendanya yang dihantar pun tidak jelas.
Jadi, saya minta bukti yang lain, iaitu screenshot perbualannya dengan wanita ini. Saya juga minta sekali lagi untuk penyata bank 2 bulan sama dengan laporan police yang sepatutnya dibuatnya pada hari Isnin, 11 May.
Dia kata 'ok' terhadap semua permintaan saya tetapi satu bukti pun tidak dihantar kepada saya. Selepas banyak kali bertanya tentang buktinya tapi semua tidak diberi, apa lagi yang boleh difikirkan selain bahawa ini menunjukkan bahawa ceritanya semua tidak benar?
Tambahan lagi, Abdan kata dia baru ke balai polis untuk membuat laporan polis pada hari itu, iaitu hari Rabu, 13 May. Kalau akaun Maybank dia memang disalahgunakan tanpa kebenaran dia, kenapa si Abdan ini hanya pergi buat laporan polis TIGA hari selepas dapat tahu info ini dari saya dan hanya selepas banyak soalan dari saya??
Saya tahu Abdan yang sebenar memang membuat laporan polis pada hari itu sebab selepas itu saya dapat panggilan daripada balai polis di Kuantan yang menerangkan bahawa so Abdan ini telah membuat laporan polis dan dia dapat lihat rekod laporan polis yang dibuat oleh saya. Yang paling melucukan hati saya adalah polis beritahu Abdan ini melaporkan bahawa kad ATMnya diberi kepada seorang wanita MELAYU dan akaun itu disalahkannya. Dia ingat ini dapat menyelamatkan dirinya, padahal, pemberian kad ATM untuk penggunaan orang lain itu juga salah di sisi undang-undang dan Abdan juga akan didakwa untuk ini. Hahaha, bagusnya!
Tetapi yang aneh lagi adalah bahawa Abdan melaporkan bahawa kad ATMnya diberi kepada wanita MELAYU. Walaupun pada awalnya dia beritahu saya bahawa wanita itu adalah wanita Jepun, selepas itu tukar menjadi wanita kacokan Jepun-Filipina. Sekarang dia jadi wanita Melayu. Adui, berapa kali ceritanya bertukar?
Atas sebab satu bukti pun tidak dapat diberi kepada saya dan ceritanya bertambah tidak masuk akal, saya memang pasti orang ini cuba tipu saya lagi, dan saya terus tidak bersabar lagi dan memberitahu dia untuk memulangkan semua duit saya yang dimasukkan dalam akaun dia atau saya akan membuat dia terkenal sebagai rakan sejenayah kepada penipu.
Agak tidak menghairankan bahawa selepas mesej saya pada hari itu, si penipu yang menyamar sebagai Abdan di Whatsapp langsung tidak aktif lagi.... membuktikan bahawa itu nombor palsu dan bukan nombor sebenar yang digunakan oleh Abdan.
Sejak hari itu, nombor sebenar Abdan iaitu 017-9144083 juga sering tutup dan tidak dapat dihubungi kecuali pada waktu tertentu. Saya telah menghantar beberapa sms yang tidak dibalas walaupun saya tahu sudah diterimanya (status penerimaannya tertera pada telefon saya) dan saya juga meneleponnya beberapa kali tetapi dia tidak menjawab lalu terus tutup telefonnya.
Kalau Abdan bin Munir memang tidak bersalah, apa hal dia tidak menjawab saya atau memberi bukti yang diminta? Kenapa dia perlu minta orang lain untuk berpura-pura sebagainya untuk cuba tipu saya lagi??
Selama ini, saya juga rasa Hanifiah dan keluarga Abdan tidak tahu apa pun tentang penglibatan Abdan dalam penipuan ini. Kalau mereka tahu, tidak masuk akal bahawa dia akan mendedahkan semua info dalam profail Facebooknya kepada saya, dan saya juga tidak senang hati untuk mendedahkan nama Hanafiah atau keluarganya sebelum ini sebab rasa mereka tidak bersalah, seperti yang dilihat dalam post saya sebelum ini di mana saya tidak menunjukkan nama anaknya atau isterinya.
Walau bagaimanapun, atas sebab saya telah memberi banyak masa dan peluang kepada mereka untuk menjelaskan hal sebenar dan sekarang Abdan dan anaknya semua tidak dapat dihubungi dan berkelakuan seperti orang bersalah, ini menunjukkan bahawa Abdan bin Munir ini memang bersalah dan terlibat dalam kes penipuan ini.
Ini gambar Abdan sama keluarganya di Facebook, yang menyatakan mereka tinggal di Kuantan.
Isterinya bernama Pn. Zanuriah Muhamad Sah.
Ketiga-tiga anaknya bernama Hanafiah Abdan, Nurul Aien dan Aida Nuruliman.
Biar ini menjadi pengajaran kepada orang lain supaya jangan tamak dan biarkan akaun kamu digunakan oleh penipu untuk dapat wang mudah! Seperti yang dijelaskan kepada saya oleh inspektor yang bertugas menyiasat kes saya, kebanyakan penipuan romantik yang berlaku melalui laman web adalah orang Afrika yang mempergunakan orang Malaysia untuk keuntungan mereka. Penipu ini dapat lari ke luar negara dengan mudah, dan orang tempatan yang menolong mereka yang dapat padahnya. Jangan berbuat bodoh seperti orang ini!
Penipu seperti ini memang susah untuk ditangkap sebab penggunaan laman web memudahkan mereka menyembunyikan identiti mereka dan undang-undang mengelakkan bank dan perusahaan telco daripada mendedahkan maklumat peribadi pelanggan mereka kecuali atas permintaan polis yang akan mengambil waktu yang terlalu lama. Jadi saya juga melawan balik dengan menggunakan laman web dan berjaya mengesan pemilik akaun bank ini yang digunakan dalam kes penipuan saya.
Tolong sebarkan dan cari Abdan bin Munir ini untuk mendesaknya memulangkan semua wang yang ditipu dari saya dan memberi semua info rakan penipunya kepada pihak polis!
Terima kasih!
Post saya akan menunjukkan rekod perbualan saya dengan si penipu sama dengan Abdan, sama dengan seorang penipu lagi yang berpura-pura sebagai Abdan untuk cuba menyakinkan saya bahawa dia tidak terlibat dalam penipuan saya oleh Derry, tetapi dia gagal membuktikan cerita dia. Sekarang, sama seperti si penipu dengan rakan penipunya, Abdan bin Munir sama dengan anaknya tidak dapat dihubungi lagi selepas banyak permintaan saya untuk memberi bukti segala cerita dia. Bagi saya, ini membuktikan tanpa keraguan bahawa Abdan bin Munir merupakan sejenayah penipu ini yang mempergunakan dan menipu duit daripada wanita yang ikhlas seperti saya. Saya juga dapat bertemu dengan 2 wanita lagi yang mengesahkan bahawa penipu Derry ini juga telah cuba menipu mereka dengan cara yang sama. Kisah dua wanita ini saya sudah ceritakan di sini. Mangsanya tiga orang kita termasuk wanita Cina, India dan Melayu yang menunjukkan penipu tidak kisah latar belakang wanita yang ditipunya asalkan dia dapat duit.
Tolong baca dan sebarkan supaya Abdan bin Munir sama dengan semua rakan penipu celaka dia mendapat padahnya dan untuk mengelakkan orang lain seperti saya yang ikhlas dan bersimpati terhadap kesusahan orang lain daripada tertipu melalui cara yang sama!
Penipuan oleh 'Derry Johnstone' (cerita penuhnya di sini dalam Bahasa Inggeris)
Pada awal April 2015, saya menemui lelaki yang menggunakan nama 'Derry Johnstone' dari laman web okcupid.com yang menggunakan foto lelaki kacak ini.
Dia menceritakan kepada saya bahawa dia ada kacukan Scotland-Serbia dan telah bekerja di KL untuk 4 bulan yang lalu, membeli dan menjual barang-barang antik dari Malaysia ke Amerika Syarikat dan UK dan berhasrat untuk mendaftarkan sebuah syarikat di Malaysia. Saya memberi nombor telefon saya kepada dia dan sejak itu, kita mula berbual banyak kali, tapi semua melalui telefon dana Whatsapp sahaja. Suaranya memang seperti orang putih dan bukan orang Afrika yang memang terkenal dengan penipuan romantik. Selama satu bulan yang kita berbual, perbualannya seperti biasa seperti apa kerja yang dia lakukan pada hari itu, apa harapan dia, etc. Dia juga menceritakan tentang bagaimana susahnya untuk dia mencari kawan dan juga teman wanita yang sesuai untuk dia, dan dia bertanya-tanya kalau saya memang tidak ada teman lelaki kerana takut dikecewakan lagi. Ini semua telah menambahkan perasaan saya terhadapnya. Walaupun saya telah berpengalaman berinteraksi dengan orang lain melalui laman web yang cuba menipu saya tetapi gagal, dalam kes ini, saya tidak mengesyaki apa-apa sebab lakonannnya memang sangat menyakinkan.
Pada 15 April, dia menceritakan bahawa dia pergi ke Miri, Sarawak untuk membeli barang barang antik untuk dijual ke UK. Selama itu, kita masih berbual melalui Whatsapp dan telefon, dan dia hantar gambar barang antik yang kononnnya dibeli olehnya.
Pada satu hari, dia mengadu bahawa dia bermasalah untuk membeli satu pasu antik bernilai RM12,000 ada kesusahan tawar-menawar untuk harganya sebab pemilik kedainya tidak faham Bahasa Inggeris. Saya pun bercadang untuk menolong dia dengan bercakap dengan wanita itu melalui telepon. Derry bagi saya berbual dengan seorang wanita yang pada waktu itu saya percaya adalah pemilik kedai dan saya 'berjaya' untuk mengurangkan harga pasu itu untuk Derry, tapi sekarang saya tahu adalah seorang penolong penipu ini. Tetapi pada waktu itu, perbualan ini menambahkan keyakinnan saya bahawa ini memang pekerjaan sebenar dia.
Pada hari 1 May 2015, dia kononnya sudah tinggal di Miri lebih satu minggu daripada apa yang dia rencanakan dan tidak mempunyai pakaian yang cukup. Pada hari itu, kononnnya dia dalam proses menghantar barang yang dibelinya ke UK melalui kapal laut dan akan pulang dari Miri pada hari yang sama. Pada waktu itu, saya memang ingin untuk berjumpa dengannya untuk kali pertama. Tetapi masalah berlaku di perusahaan penghantaran itu di mana dia tidak mempunyai wang yang cukup untuk membuat penghantarannya, di mana jumlah penghantarannya RM36,000, tetapi dia hanya mempunyai wang secukup RM10,000 dan berjanji untuk memberi bakinya bila sudah pulang ke KL, tetapi ini tidak disetujui oleh pemilik perusahaan. Dia juga minta saya berbual dengan wanita bernama Siti Aisyah yang kononnnya merupakan pemilik perusahaan penghantaran itu. Semasa berbual dengannya, saya dengar bunyi telepon di latar belakang yang juga menyakinkan saya bahawa ini memang perusahaan sebenar. Siti berkata dia hanya boleh terima RM6,000 lagi tambah RM10k yang diberi oleh Derry, dan pada waktu itu, Derry minta pertolongan saya kerana takut barang dia akan dikeluarkan dari kapal laut dan dia perlu tinggal lagi di Miri tanpa wang yang mencukupi. Derry memberi saya akaun Maybank no. 156226084446 di bawah nama Abdan bin Munir yang kononnya pemandu perusahaan itu, dan saya pulak tertipu untuk memasukkan beberapa ribu wang tetapi bukan sampai RM6000 yang diminta kerana had pengantaran bank saya. Kononnnya ini diterima oleh Siti.
Namun, masalahnya tidak berhenti di situ. Beberapa minit kemudian, Derry dipanggil dan berkata beliau mempunyai masalah lagi kerana dia bertemu dengan seorang lelaki yang bernama Kaiser yang kononnya rakan pemilik perusahaan itu yang menjadi marah apabila dapat tahu kurang daripada setengah kos pengangkutan itu dibayar oleh Derry. Kaiser kemudian mengambil pasport Derry di bawah alasan dia ingin membuat salinan, tetapi tidak kembali dengannya. Derry menelefon saya semula dan memberitahu saya dia kini telah dipaksa oleh Kaiser untuk membuat bayaran penuh RM36,000 atau pasport dia tidak akan dikembalikan, tetapi dia tidak mempunyai wang yang cukup. Beliau juga memberikan saya nombor Kaiser untuk cuba bercakap dengan dia, yang saya lakukan tetapi dia tidak ingin berunding. Derry pun berkata dia tidak sempat menaiki kapal terbang untuk pulang pada hari itu dan terdesak untuk menjual jam tangannya yang bernilai RM9000 untuk mendapat wang itu. Pada waktu itu, bunyi latar belakang seperti dia dalam truk untuk pulang ke bandar untuk menjual jam tangannya. Oleh kerana Derry seolah-olah dalam situasi begitu teruk, saya tertipu untuk memasukan beberapa ribu wang lagi dalam akaun Abdan bin Munir yang sama.
Ceritanya bersambungan sampai hari seterusnya di mana Derry cuba minta wang lagi tetapi pada waktu itu, saya tidak mempercayainya lagi dan minta bukti apa yang dilakukannya. Ini menyebabkan dia menjadi marah dan cuba membuat saya merasa bersalah, tetapi saya tidak terpengaruh lagi. Dia mendakwa bahawa dia tidak ada pilihan lain dan akan cuba berlawan dengan Kaiser untuk dapat passport dia balik. Pada lebih kurang 7pm, saya meneleponnya dan di latar belakang, saya dengan bunyi dramatik seperti dia memang berlawan dengan orang. Selepas itu telefon terputus dan dia tidak dapat dihubungi lagi sejak hari itu. Nombor telefon Siti Aisyah dan Kaiser juga tidak dapat dihubungi lagi. Akan tetapi, profail Derry in laman web di mana saya jumpa dia masih aktif tetapi dia tidak menjawab mesej saya. Ini menunjukkan bahawa dia masih menggunakannya untuk menipu wanita lain.
Pengesanan Abdan bin Munir melalui Facebook
Selepas membuat laporan polis, saya diberitahu penyiasatannya akan mengambil beberapa bulan. Ini memang terlalu lambat, dalam waktu itu tak tahulah beberapa banyak wanita lain dia akan berjaya menipu, dan dia pun ada banyak masa untuk keluar dari negara. Jadi saya membuat blog ini dan berusaha menyebarkan cerita saya dalam Facebook melalui akaun 'Scamvic KL'.
Selepas satu minggu pada 10 Mei 2015, saya dapat mesej pada seorang lelaki muda bernama Hanafiah Abdan yang merupakan anak kepada Abdan bin Munir. Dia minta saya untuk mengeluarkan info dan nama bapaknya dari blog saya kerana dia ingat infonya salah. Saya kata mungkin nama bapaknya sama dengan pemilik akaun itu, tetapi dia mengesahkan bahawa itu memang akaun Maybank bapaknya, tetapi bapaknya berumur 56 tahun dan tidak tahu tentang hal penipuan ini.
Dia minta rekod penghantaran wang dari saya kepada akaun bapaknya, tetapi saya tak ingin beri sebab saya tahu kalau bapak dia memang pemilik akaun ini, dia boleh lihat sendiri dari penyata bank dia. Saya pula minta bukti bahawa akaun ini memang dipunyai oleh bapaknya, tetapi dia tidak memberi bukti ini.
Pada malam yang sama dia memberitahu bahawa bapak dia baru dapat tahu kad ATMnya telah hilang dan dia akan buat laporan polis pada keesokan harinya (Isnin, 11 Mei).

Pada waktu ini, saya rasa ada kemungkinan ceritanya benar, tetapi saya perlu melihat buktinya untuk memastikannya. Selepas itu, dia minta nombor telefon saya supaya bapaknya, Abdan boleh menelepon dan menjelaskannya kepada saya. Jadi pada hari berikutnya, saya mendapat panggilan daripada nombor 017-9144083, yang saya tidak menjawab kerana saya bekerja. Nombor ini juga nombor yang sama dalam pengiklanan Abdan bin Munir untuk krim kesihatan perempuan. Jadi saya percaya bahawa ini adalah orang sebenar yang bernama Abdan bin Munir.

Saya pun panggil balik kepada nombor ini, dan Abdan yang memang bersuara seperti lelaki Melayu berumur lebih 50-an kemudian memberitahu saya bahawa dia memang telah kehilangan kad ATMnya, dan bahawa dia tidak menggunakan akaun bank dia untuk masa yang lama dan ada wang sedikit atau tidak ada di dalamnya. Saya bertanya bagaimana orang boleh mempunyai tahu nombor kad pin dan jika dia memberitahu sesiapa. Katanya, dia tidak tahu bagaimana. Dia memohon maaf dan berkata dia telah meminta bank untuk menyekat kad (tetapi tidak menutup akaun), tetapi saya benar-benar tidak puas hati.
Saya bertanya kepada Abdan jika dia boleh e-mel saya satu salinan penyata bank dengan alamat dan beliau maklumat peribadi lain ditutup, supaya saya dapat mengesahkan apa yang dia memberitahu saya. Jika ia adalah benar akaun banknya kosong sebelum saya memasukkan wang saya, ia semua akan ditunjukkan dalam penyata bank itu. Abdan berkata dia akan berbincang dengan anaknya dan terus meletak telefon. Selepas itu, saya mesej Hanafiah di Facebook lagi, untuk meminta perkara yang sama dan menerangkan selanjutnya bahawa saya hanya perlu melihat bukti. Saya menerangkan bahawa selepas saya melihat ini dan berpuas hati bahawa cerita mereka benar, saya akan mengeluarkan nama Abdan bin Munir dari blog saya untuk mengelakkan malu lagi kepada Abdan dan keluarganya. Saya juga menjelaskan bahawa saya tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mengeluarkan duit daripada akaun itu terutamanya kalau memang benar akaun itu kosong. Namun, Hanafiah tidak menjawab saya lagi dalam Facebook sejak itu sampai hari ini.

Saya juga cuba menelepon Abdan sekali lagi pada nomber 017-nya, tetapi tidak mendapat jawapan.
Perbualan aneh dengan 'Abdan bin Munir' melalui Whatsapp
Inilah kisah yang menyakinkan saya bahawa Abdan bin Munir memang bersalah dan terlibat dalam penipuan saya, kerana percubaannya untuk mendapat seorang rakan penipunya untuk cuba tipu saya lag melalui Whatsapp!
Pada hari Selasa Mei 12, 2015), saya mendapat mesej Whatsapp dari nombor berlainan yang menyatakan dia Abdan bin Munir. Dia guna menggunakan gambar Abdan yang kelihatan seperti beberapa gambarnya di Facebook (yang saya jumpa melalui profail FB Hanafiah).

Saya SANGAT pasti bahawa nombor Whatsapp ini telah digunakan oleh orang lain yang berpura-pura sebagai Abdan, kerana nombor telefonnya 017-nya yang sebenar tidak muncul pada Whatsapp, tetapi nombor telefon 011 muncul pada Whatsapp. Jika Abdan memang memiliki kedua-dua nombor ini, adakah ia masuk akal bahawa nombor yang dia gunakan untuk perniagaan dia itu tidak digunakan untuk Whatsapp, tetapi nombor baru ini digunakan untuk Whatsapp?
Inilah screenshot perbualan ini yang lagi tidak masuk akal. Pada mulanya dia minta maaf tidak dapat menjawab panggilan saya sebelum itu kepada nombor 017-nya sebab dia dekat masjid. Ini juga membuktikan kepada saya bahawa Abdan yang sebenar tahu orang penipu ini yang menggunakan nombor 011 ini dan telah mintanya untuk Whatsapp saya dan cuba menyakinkan saya bahawa dia tidak bersalah.

Ambil perhatian dalam gambar di atas, di mana dia ambil 8 minit untuk hantar gambar wanita itu. Kenapa lama sangat untuk cari satu gambar? Sebab ingin cari gambar satu orang yang sesuai dari laman web?

Saya memang mencari wanita ini melalui Facebook dan melihat bahawa dia seorang yang memang seluruh profailnya publik dan penuh dengan 'selfie'. Saya rasa si penipu dapat cari profail perempuan ini dan menggunakan satu gambarnya dan memberitahu saya dia wanita Jepun sebab wajahnya seperti orang Jepun. Tetapi selepas desakan dari saya, dia memberi namanya dan bertukar cerita bahawa wanita ini kacokan Jepon dan Filipina kerana namanya di Facebook adalah nama Filipina. Slip kurier itu juga mudah untuk ditulis dan tidak membuktikan bahawa memang ada benda yang dihantar kepada wanita ini, dan apa bendanya yang dihantar pun tidak jelas.
Jadi, saya minta bukti yang lain, iaitu screenshot perbualannya dengan wanita ini. Saya juga minta sekali lagi untuk penyata bank 2 bulan sama dengan laporan police yang sepatutnya dibuatnya pada hari Isnin, 11 May.

Dia kata 'ok' terhadap semua permintaan saya tetapi satu bukti pun tidak dihantar kepada saya. Selepas banyak kali bertanya tentang buktinya tapi semua tidak diberi, apa lagi yang boleh difikirkan selain bahawa ini menunjukkan bahawa ceritanya semua tidak benar?
Tambahan lagi, Abdan kata dia baru ke balai polis untuk membuat laporan polis pada hari itu, iaitu hari Rabu, 13 May. Kalau akaun Maybank dia memang disalahgunakan tanpa kebenaran dia, kenapa si Abdan ini hanya pergi buat laporan polis TIGA hari selepas dapat tahu info ini dari saya dan hanya selepas banyak soalan dari saya??
Saya tahu Abdan yang sebenar memang membuat laporan polis pada hari itu sebab selepas itu saya dapat panggilan daripada balai polis di Kuantan yang menerangkan bahawa so Abdan ini telah membuat laporan polis dan dia dapat lihat rekod laporan polis yang dibuat oleh saya. Yang paling melucukan hati saya adalah polis beritahu Abdan ini melaporkan bahawa kad ATMnya diberi kepada seorang wanita MELAYU dan akaun itu disalahkannya. Dia ingat ini dapat menyelamatkan dirinya, padahal, pemberian kad ATM untuk penggunaan orang lain itu juga salah di sisi undang-undang dan Abdan juga akan didakwa untuk ini. Hahaha, bagusnya!
Tetapi yang aneh lagi adalah bahawa Abdan melaporkan bahawa kad ATMnya diberi kepada wanita MELAYU. Walaupun pada awalnya dia beritahu saya bahawa wanita itu adalah wanita Jepun, selepas itu tukar menjadi wanita kacokan Jepun-Filipina. Sekarang dia jadi wanita Melayu. Adui, berapa kali ceritanya bertukar?
Atas sebab satu bukti pun tidak dapat diberi kepada saya dan ceritanya bertambah tidak masuk akal, saya memang pasti orang ini cuba tipu saya lagi, dan saya terus tidak bersabar lagi dan memberitahu dia untuk memulangkan semua duit saya yang dimasukkan dalam akaun dia atau saya akan membuat dia terkenal sebagai rakan sejenayah kepada penipu.

Agak tidak menghairankan bahawa selepas mesej saya pada hari itu, si penipu yang menyamar sebagai Abdan di Whatsapp langsung tidak aktif lagi.... membuktikan bahawa itu nombor palsu dan bukan nombor sebenar yang digunakan oleh Abdan.
Sejak hari itu, nombor sebenar Abdan iaitu 017-9144083 juga sering tutup dan tidak dapat dihubungi kecuali pada waktu tertentu. Saya telah menghantar beberapa sms yang tidak dibalas walaupun saya tahu sudah diterimanya (status penerimaannya tertera pada telefon saya) dan saya juga meneleponnya beberapa kali tetapi dia tidak menjawab lalu terus tutup telefonnya.
Kalau Abdan bin Munir memang tidak bersalah, apa hal dia tidak menjawab saya atau memberi bukti yang diminta? Kenapa dia perlu minta orang lain untuk berpura-pura sebagainya untuk cuba tipu saya lagi??
Selama ini, saya juga rasa Hanifiah dan keluarga Abdan tidak tahu apa pun tentang penglibatan Abdan dalam penipuan ini. Kalau mereka tahu, tidak masuk akal bahawa dia akan mendedahkan semua info dalam profail Facebooknya kepada saya, dan saya juga tidak senang hati untuk mendedahkan nama Hanafiah atau keluarganya sebelum ini sebab rasa mereka tidak bersalah, seperti yang dilihat dalam post saya sebelum ini di mana saya tidak menunjukkan nama anaknya atau isterinya.
Walau bagaimanapun, atas sebab saya telah memberi banyak masa dan peluang kepada mereka untuk menjelaskan hal sebenar dan sekarang Abdan dan anaknya semua tidak dapat dihubungi dan berkelakuan seperti orang bersalah, ini menunjukkan bahawa Abdan bin Munir ini memang bersalah dan terlibat dalam kes penipuan ini.
Ini gambar Abdan sama keluarganya di Facebook, yang menyatakan mereka tinggal di Kuantan.
Isterinya bernama Pn. Zanuriah Muhamad Sah.
Ketiga-tiga anaknya bernama Hanafiah Abdan, Nurul Aien dan Aida Nuruliman.
Biar ini menjadi pengajaran kepada orang lain supaya jangan tamak dan biarkan akaun kamu digunakan oleh penipu untuk dapat wang mudah! Seperti yang dijelaskan kepada saya oleh inspektor yang bertugas menyiasat kes saya, kebanyakan penipuan romantik yang berlaku melalui laman web adalah orang Afrika yang mempergunakan orang Malaysia untuk keuntungan mereka. Penipu ini dapat lari ke luar negara dengan mudah, dan orang tempatan yang menolong mereka yang dapat padahnya. Jangan berbuat bodoh seperti orang ini!
Penipu seperti ini memang susah untuk ditangkap sebab penggunaan laman web memudahkan mereka menyembunyikan identiti mereka dan undang-undang mengelakkan bank dan perusahaan telco daripada mendedahkan maklumat peribadi pelanggan mereka kecuali atas permintaan polis yang akan mengambil waktu yang terlalu lama. Jadi saya juga melawan balik dengan menggunakan laman web dan berjaya mengesan pemilik akaun bank ini yang digunakan dalam kes penipuan saya.
Tolong sebarkan dan cari Abdan bin Munir ini untuk mendesaknya memulangkan semua wang yang ditipu dari saya dan memberi semua info rakan penipunya kepada pihak polis!
Terima kasih!
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